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POMORSKIE Energy Days - Energy Contest

Poland - Kwidzyn

Event date: from 09 April 2011 to 17 April 2011

Regional Energy Management Agency in the Vistula River Valley organises a contest for primary school pupils to create a poster: how to save energy at home? and a contest for gymnasium and high school students - one needs to take a quiz online and send the formular to the Agency. The winners will be announced on the website: www.praze.pl

Special prizes are guaranteed :)

The Agency will also organise an educational event for the citizens of Kwidzyn Poviat and tourists: they will focus on energy saving at home and energy efficiency in households. They will disseminate materials concerning this subject and show how the new and renewable energy sources work and how to apply them in houeholds.

The Agency will also organise a supporting event - a conference on the accomplishments of the Regional Energy Management Agency in the Vistula River Valley in the field of energy demand and the fulfillment potential of the demand in the years 2010-2020. The special attention will be focused on new and renewable energy  sources.

All events are free of charge.

more information: http://www.eusew.eu/energy-days-europe

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