
1.      Home (news)

2.      About PRAZE

2.1.   History

2.2.   Governance structure

2.2.1.     Managing board

2.2.2.     The audit committee

2.2.3.     General assembly

2.3.   Agency team

2.4.   Agency partners

2.5.   PRAZE in the media

2.6.   Internships

3.      PRAZE offer

3.1.   Local authorities offer

3.2.   Innovation and technology transfer

3.3.   Advisory services

3.4.   Training services

3.4.1.     Adults

3.4.2.     Youth and children

3.5.   Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources and energy efficiency

3.6.   Best practices

3.7.   International cooperation

4.      Knowledge base

4.1.   Renewable Energy Sources

4.1.1.     Solar energy

4.1.2.     Wind energy

4.1.3.     Hydro energy

4.1.4.     Geothermal energy

4.1.5.     Bioenergy

4.2.   Alternative fuels in transportation

4.2.1.     Electric cars

4.2.2.     Fuel Cells

4.2.3.     Biofuels

4.3.   Energy efficiency

4.4.   Knowledge databases

5.      Download

5.1.   Publications

5.2.   Documents

5.3.   Legislation

5.4.   Energy planning

5.5.   Training materials

6.      Contact

7.      Links

8.      Sitemap

9.      Photo gallery

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